News & Views


What do you want to achieve with your investment?

14th April 2021

Think about what it is you want to achieve whether it is building up a nest egg, saving for a house or building up retirement funds....

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Can you monitor investments, check on income, monitor fees and costs, view communications or access tax reports?

All of these services will be available to you online via a secure password protected account....

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How do you work out your investment philosophy?

It may be that you already have an established investment philosophy which you can advise your IFA of. If not, you need to work with your IFA to establish what that investment philosophy should be....

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Does RobMac handle client funds?

RobMac does not handle client funds and only uses secure custodian services....

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How do you choose an independent financial adviser?

Research an IFA by exploring their fees, qualifications, references, investment approach, and their attitude to risk. Always check that your adviser has the appropriate qualifications and experienc...

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Is the financial adviser independent and regulated?

The answer to both of these must be yes. If they are independent, they will be unbiased towards any investment fund, bank or mortgage provider and only offer you solutions that meet your requiremen...

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How does payment for financial advice work?

To keep it simple, use fee only advisers. They will charge a % of assets invested for services or an hourly rate which is all agreed in advance. You need to know all your costs. These include your ...

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What is asset allocation and what should you use?

Asset allocation is an investment strategy that aims to balance risk and reward by apportioning a portfolio's assets according to an individual's goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. ...

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What is a benchmark?

A benchmark is a standard against which the performance of an investment plan can be measured. It should be set in line with your financial goals and your attitude to risk rather than tracking an inde...

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